Saturday, February 19, 2011

Exercise Workouts for Indoors

When the weather's not so great or you're stuck at home waiting around on maintenance guys or a delivery, exercise workouts for indoors can keep you feeling great. You can get everything done that you need to do to sculpt your body and lose weight-without ever going to the gym or having to step foot outside.

Total Body Exercise Workouts for Indoor

One of the best ways to burn fat is to break up your weights exercise with some cardio. Take it a step further by working your upper body, then lower body, back to upper body, and so on. Keep reading for calisthenics tips. Here are a few exercises that work your whole body (or at least large portions of your body) at once:

·         Jumping rope
·         Squats, with or without weights
·         Lunges, with or without weights
·         Push-ups
·         Pull-ups

Isolated Exercises

You can use free weights to target nearly any body part you'd like to shape up. In addition to those, you can also pick up an ab wheel, pull-up bar, or even a resistance band or two.
Ab wheel: This one will work your whole upper body, concentrating on the abs. You can get ab wheels at sporting good stores, Target, or Wal-Mart.
Pull-up bars: You can find these anywhere you can get sporting goods. Normally, they're mounted in the doorway. These work your upper body, including lats.
Resistance bands: These can be used in the place of free weights for many movements. They're lighter, so they're more portable. Some workout DVDs require these.

Cardiovascular Exercise

If you have a treadmill or an elliptical machine in your home, this one's a no-brainer. If you don't have room or you can't afford one right now (or you just can't justify the cost because you usually go for a run outside!), that's not a problem. There are other ways to get your heart rate up including:
·         Mini-trampolines
·         Calisthenics
·         Workout DVDs
·         Jump ropes


You may think trampolines are for kids until you step on one and try to hop for even half an hour. If you're not used to jumping for your heart's health, you're in for a great workout. While it's more convenient to prop the trampoline against the wall without taking it apart and folding it up, you can certainly save space by breaking it down and tossing it into your closet. For more information, visit Starbounding.


Before you played dodgeball, kickball, or basketball, you had to do a warm-up, complete with jumping jacks, jogging in place, and more. You can do that at home, too. Do a longer, more intense version for a true workout instead of just a warm-up. Check out for a great, equipment-free workout.

 Workout DVDs
You can get amazing results from workout DVDs. In some ways, they're the perfect exercise workouts for indoors. They make you feel like you're working out with someone, so the workout isn't as boring as it could be. Also, All you need is the willpower, a DVD player, a television, and enough space to do the moves. You will also need any additional workout equipment the DVDs require, of course. Here are some DVDs sure to get your heart pumping:
·         The Firm series-there are quite a few of these on the market, so choose the ones that target your trouble spots or just offer a cardiovascular workout. Be sure to check out the props you need. Some require steps, free weights, and other equipment.
·         Winsor Pilates-You can do these in a hotel room if you have to. All you need is the space to perform the Pilates movements, and a mat if you prefer. Just want to work your abs? Their specific thirty-minute ab workout is incredible.

Jump Ropes

Jump ropes are best used outdoors, but if you have tall enough ceilings and an empty space, you can use them at home. Mix up your jumps-jump slowly to warm up, increase the tempo, hop on one leg and then the other, and so on. As long as that heart rate's up, you're doing great! Jumping rope is great for your whole body because, if done correctly, you're incorporating most of your muscles.

A Final Word: Working Out Indoors

Don't think you have to go outside to get a great workout. There are so many exercise workouts for indoors that you can perform right in your own home. You don't even have to spend a fortune on equipment.

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